What Job Recruiters Are Looking For In Candidates In 2021

In the past, we’ve had a pretty good idea of what assets recruiters looked for in job seekers. However, things have changed drastically in the past year. The pandemic and lockdowns have changed the way we work and how businesses hire. Still, companies must continue to recruit new employees and hope remains for the global economy to rebound in 2021. If you are looking for a new job this year, there are some things that recruiters may look for.

What Job Recruiters Are Looking For In Candidates In 2021

Transferrable Skills

Recently, there appears to be less focus on degrees and specific job titles. Recruiters will determine what practical skills you have and whether they are transferable. This means you should ensure you have develop assets within yourself so that you are able to collaborate effectively with others, efficiently solve problems, adapt to change and new environments quickly amongst many other desirable traits. Recruiters will further appreciate if you have the ability to transfer and share these skills with other employees.

Compliance With COVID-19 Measures

With many businesses struggling to survive in the current pandemic, it is important for employers to ensure sure that business processes and employees are fully compliant with COVID-19 safety measures. Recruiters may ask about your experience during the strictest periods of lockdown. Without asking directly, recruiters may be interested in ascertaining what Covid measures were followed and whether you are a responsible individual.

Ability To Work Across Time Zones

In the past, recruiters may have been interested to know whether job seekers were able to relocate. However, as more people are now working remotely, it is important for individuals to be able to work effectively from home and sometimes collaborate across time zones. This could mean employees working outside of their regular work hours, so being open to flexible working is key.

Tech Savviness

As employees may be required to work from home, recruiters will be looking out for simple tech awareness amongst candidates. Managers will be leading meetings over video calls, so will require levels of patience for those employees who are new to working in this way. Many businesses are integrating more digital technologies into their business operations. In an effective online meeting, everyone can work together to communicate and share new ideas in the same way as face to face sessions. Some companies already use virtual reality to improve business interactions and productivity.

Time Management

Time management is even more important for remote workers because they often operate in an unsupervised workspace. Remote workers must earn the trust of their employers by getting their jobs done on time. With so many digital and home life distractions, it is easy for employees to procrastinate and start focusing on other unproductive tasks. Good management skills and regular check ins will ensure that employees remain on target. Job seekers should be able to explain how they manage their daily schedule during remote working in a way that demonstrates efficiency and productivity.


Remote working is completely ineffective if employees cannot collaborate and work together. Job seekers need to show that they embrace collaboration regardless of the environment and business process. Job seekers must demonstrate that they remotely partake in meetings, client appointments and achieve synergy with other employees. 

Contact Tempest Resourcing

To learn more, contact Tempest Resourcing today and speak with a recruitment specialist who can answer any questions you might have.

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